Lisa is a dynamic speaker with a passion to see individuals and families be all that God created them to be. As a wife, mother, and parent educator, she teaches through her own life experiences. She believes in finding the root of our struggles, dealing with the heart of the matter, and living intentionally. Her talks offer hope, direction, and practical ideas for parents at all stages of their family journey.
Current Topics
- Toys: Playing with Blocks or Building Dreams? Children learn more in the first seven years than they do in the next seventy. Did you know that the toys your child plays with can actually influence their future career? Join a child development specialist as she helps you choose the best toys for your children in their formative years.
- Cotton Candy is Not a Dinner Food Wouldn’t you love it if someone had a hot cooked meal on the table every night? Is there conversation beyond “I had the remote first!” Learn how you can have a home cooked dinner on the table and make family meal times work even in the midst of a hectic lifestyle.
- Celebrate Good Times Everyone loves a party! So why don’t we celebrate more often? Celebrating as a family is a great way to build relationships and it’s lots of fun, too. We’ll talk about ways to enrich your family life and enjoy some familiar and less common celebrations. Learn how to create your own family traditions as well.
- Cinderella’s Castle on a Shoestring Budget Wonderful themed birthday party ideas for kids using inexpensive items you may have on hand. Be the talk of the neighborhood without spending a fortune!
- Passover: It’s Not an Old Testament Thing Celebrate a Passover Seder as we talk through the significance of each step in the celebration. Learn how the celebration of the Jews’ deliverance from Egypt parallels our own redemption through Christ. Communion will never look the same again!
- Advent: a Time of Preparation An interactive worship experience for families or small groups
- additional topics can be tailored to your needs upon request
Parenting is Heart Work Weekend Seminar
In partnership with the National Center for Biblical Parenting, Lisa offers the Parenting is Heart Work seminar. This is an all day seminar focused on the practical strategies parents need to help their kids to follow directions, take responsibility for their actions, and maintain a healthy relationship in the process.
To schedule a speaking engagement, contact her at lisa at